No. You are financing the same amount either way. What it does is stick you with 15 days interest on the total principal. It adds a couple of hundred more dollars to the back end of the loan. It's like the way that car companies used to slide in a bunch of charges that you weren't expecting, like undercoating, dealer prep, etc.
However, you should never borrow money to buy a car, anyway. Drive a piece of crap and make payments to yourself for a year. Move up to a better piece of crap and keep paying yourself for another year. Do this for the length of the average car loan, and you can have a brand new car, interest free, with no payments.
What's in my wallet - CASH!
Will the monthly payment on an auto loan be higher if the first payment is in 45 days rather than 30 days?
Probably because that if 15 more days on interest. You do not have to wait 45 days.
In fact, you can pay more at every payment and pay sooner, so that you can pay your car off sooner and it will cost you less.
Will the monthly payment on an auto loan be higher if the first payment is in 45 days rather than 30 days?
Of course, in the real world we don't send the mother and her children to work, to school, to grandmothers house, etc. in a car that could potentially break down, do we. I am the mechanic, and I drive the junky car.
Typical auto loan first payments are due in forty five days. Interest isn't an issue if you always pay more than the minimum due each month. Round up to the nearest $25 or $50 increment each month. All that is applied to the principle and shortens the term of the loan
Will the monthly payment on an auto loan be higher if the first payment is in 45 days rather than 30 days?
Probably because that if 15 more days on interest. You do not have to wait 45 days.
In fact, you can pay more at every payment and pay sooner, so that you can pay your car off sooner and it will cost you less.
No. You are financing the same amount either way. What it does is stick you with 15 days interest on the total principal. It adds a couple of hundred more dollars to the back end of the loan. It's like the way that car companies used to slide in a bunch of charges that you weren't expecting, like undercoating, dealer prep, etc.
However, you should never borrow money to buy a car, anyway. Drive a piece of crap and make payments to yourself for a year. Move up to a better piece of crap and keep paying yourself for another year. Do this for the length of the average car loan, and you can have a brand new car, interest free, with no payments.
What's in my wallet - CASH!
Of course, in the real world we don't send the mother and her children to work, to school, to grandmothers house, etc. in a car that could potentially break down, do we. I am the mechanic, and I drive the junky car.
Typical auto loan first payments are due in forty five days. Interest isn't an issue if you always pay more than the minimum due each month. Round up to the nearest $25 or $50 increment each month. All that is applied to the principle and shortens the term of the loan
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