Really depends on the lender and even the same lender may have rules about when they verify and when they don't. Could be based on credit score (if it's low they might check), could be based on something like a combination of stated income and age (if you're 20 and you say you're making $100K/yr they might want to verify). If you're credit file doesn't have much in it they might check. There's no rule.
I'd say it's more common NOT to verify unless something triggers a red flag. And usually they ask for paystubs or something rather than calling the employer (many employers won't confirm for liability and security reasons). Remember verifying slows down the deal and invites you to go to a competitor. Which is another option btw.
When you apply for an auto loan, do they call your employer to verify your employment?
Depends on who you're applying for the loan from. Sometimes they do.
When you apply for an auto loan, do they call your employer to verify your employment?
They check your credit score. Maybe they want to see a pay stub. Asking this question I guess you will be stuck riding a bicycle.
When you apply for an auto loan, do they call your employer to verify your employment?
Most of the time. Yes.
When you apply for an auto loan, do they call your employer to verify your employment?
Not usually, it should show up on any credit report they use.
When you apply for an auto loan, do they call your employer to verify your employment?
yes they would ask, but if u dont want this to happen, give them some amount under the table.....
When you apply for an auto loan, do they call your employer to verify your employment?
Sometimes they do, but a lot of times as long as you have your last couple of pay stubs, or tax records they don't need to. They will also want a copy of your bank statements. Good Luck!
When you apply for an auto loan, do they call your employer to verify your employment?
I haven't had that happen. We checked my hubby's credit report and one of them actually had his employment information on it.
When you apply for an auto loan, do they call your employer to verify your employment?
yes they do!
When you apply for an auto loan, do they call your employer to verify your employment?
If your credit score is fair I don't think most of the creditors do. Go to and you'll be driving your dream car on Monday.
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