Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Personal/auto loan with credit score of 500?

I own my vehicle outright and would like to take out a loan against the value of it to pay off some of my creditors. Does anyone have a suggestion of who to contact?

Personal/auto loan with credit score of 500?

500 score is low and it will be difficult to get one. You can try online to find some place who lend loans to bad credit person also. You can also go for debt consolidation loans.

To know more you can visit




Personal/auto loan with credit score of 500?

A 500 score is quite low. If your local banks won't give you a loan, at least ask them to show you your credit report and explain how to up your scores. You really do need to increase them for any decent loan.

Personal/auto loan with credit score of 500?

Your best bet is going to be your own local bank or credit union.

Personal/auto loan with credit score of 500?

500 is going to be a tough one. Your car is going to have to worth probably 50% more then the value of the loan you are looking for.

For example if you are car is worth is 10k the banks might approve you up to about 7500 at very high rates of course.

I have to say that this would be a mistake for you to do right now.

Personal/auto loan with credit score of 500?


This is Mr Terry Ballack.I am a legitimate loan lender who gives out loan at a very low interest rate of 3%.Are you financially down?Do you want to pay up your bills?Do you have a very low credit score and you do not have a job.Come today and apply for a loan for a minimum duration of 12 months and a maximum of 14 years.I do give out loans from the range of $3,000 to $10 million dollars.I will be expecting your mail oon with the amount of loan you need so that my loan terms and condition can be emailed to you.Contact me via email at terryballacklender01@yahoo.com or better still at terryballack@myway.com

Thanks for your understanding.

Mr Terry

Personal/auto loan with credit score of 500?

There are a number of people like you getting loans on a person to person lending site called Prosper.

It is a really cool new loan alternative that removes the big banks from the mix and places people who need money in contact with people who are willing to lend it. The way it works is that people who need money request it, and other people bid for the privilege of lending it to them. Prosper makes sure everything is safe, fair and easy.

On prosper.com my partner and I have established a group called Addventure Capital. We are two professionals with 20+ years experience in the financial services industry. It is our goal to help people like you by helping you to get a loan that meets your individual needs and assist with getting your loan funded. We will personally endorse your loan request and consider investing in your loan ourselves. Follow our guidance and you閳ユ獟l have the best chance of getting your loans funded. We have clear 閳?mathematically proven 閳?strategies to maximize your chances of getting the money you need.

In order to take advantage of our services you need to follow the link below and join our group. Through analysis we have found that the most important factor in whether a loan gets funded on prosper.com is a group leader endorsement. If you join our group and apply for a loan through prosper.com via our group we will endorse your loan and help you get it funded.

For more information follow the link to:


Click on 閳ユ窙oin Group閳?on the right side of the screen and everything else should be self-explanatory

Personal/auto loan with credit score of 500?

its better for you to try an online loan.i think that the below website will help you to find the right solution.

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