We are upside down on our loan and behind by two payments. We need to get something with a lower monthly payment. We have to have another vehicle. To top it off we have horrible credit. Anybody know what we can do?
Can anyone help me with an auto loan?
Try, http://www.prosper.com
Good Luck!
Can anyone help me with an auto loan?
First, sell your car and buy a much cheaper car - I mean like one that costs less than $4,000. Don't buy the second car, you don't NEED it - you might have to juggle your schedule, or carpool, but you don't need it.
The loss you'll take on your first car is what Dave Ramsey calls a stupid tax - he says it in the kindest way, it's the tax you pay when you make a mistake. The sooner you can get out from under the car the better you will be, because the car will continue to depreciate.
Can anyone help me with an auto loan?
Do you think another loan will turn your upside down loan right side up? It won't. You have only two options that I can think of... increase your income or reduce your expenses. It's no wonder your credit is horrible if you keep refinancing things you cannot afford with money that you don't have. You are never going to get off the cycle until YOU do something about it. My first suggestion is to stop the borrowing. Pay what you owe before you take on anything new. Maybe you can walk, bike, take a bus or car pool with people with friends and family for six months or so. Sell some stuff around your home that you don't use and pay those two months to get the loan current and arrange to pay that loan asap. Don't make your credit worse. Set up a plan to pay all debts that you have one at a time starting with the lowest balance. If you need a part time job, go for it. If you have to cut out your cell phone, cable, or that morning coffee then so be it. Look at ways to reduce the expenses you have. I am not saying to go without everything but seriously shop by value instead of price. Can you find a less expensive place to live? Can you swap coupons with family, friends and co-workers? Are you going out to eat more than you should? It's not my place to tell you how to live but just thinking that there are people who make less money than you make that are making it. What are you doing wrong??? Reevaluate your life and priorities, set goals and stick to them, and you'll be right side up in no time. Continue doing what you're doing and you won't only be upside down but you'll also be sunk.
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